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Pastr is a lightweight yet powerful URL shortener and paste tool that stands out because of its simplicity. It leverages flat-file storage, eliminating the need for any dependencies. This makes the software extremely easy to use while ensuring high-speed operations.

GitHub - hossainalhaidari/pastr: Minimal URL shortener and paste tool
Minimal URL shortener and paste tool. Contribute to hossainalhaidari/pastr development by creating an account on GitHub.


In terms of usability, Pastr thrives on its minimalistic approach. Designed to be user-friendly, it saves time and improves efficiency by providing quick and easy methods for shortening URLs and pasting content. More importantly, it does all this without requiring any additional setup or installations due to its lack of dependency on other software or tools.

The use of flat-file storage in Pastr is another notable feature. This type of storage is easier to manage than traditional databases, making Pastr an excellent choice for users who value simplicity without sacrificing functionality. Additionally, this approach leads to faster data retrieval times, enhancing the overall performance of the software.

With 6 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-04-15 the project looks stale.