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Rapido is not just a website creation tool, it's a complete solution to establish your online presence. Whether you are a small business owner seeking to expand your reach or an individual looking to share your passion with the world, Rapido provides you the much-needed platform in a simple and effective manner.

InfoLibre / Rapido · GitLab
Create your website with Rapido. Edit, publish and share collaborative content.


Key features of Rapido make it stand apart. The software offers an array of customizable templates and design elements that help you create a visually appealing and unique website. It doesn't matter if you don't have any coding skills as Rapido's user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to design their own website.

Moreover, Rapido allows you to not only build but also manage your website with ease. The interactive dashboard helps you monitor site performance, traffic, and user engagement. Plus, SEO tools are embedded within the software to enhance your site’s visibility on search engines. Lastly, its compatibility across different devices ensures that your site looks great whether viewed on a desktop or mobile device.

With no link to a GitHub repository in our database, it is hard to estimate the project viability. Here is a link to another repository: https://framagit.org/InfoLibre/rapido