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b2evolution CMS

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b2evolution CMS is a comprehensive content management system designed to provide everything you need to build interactive websites. It takes content publishing, sharing, and community engagement to a new level by integrating all the necessary tools within one platform.

b2evolution blog/social CMS - A complete engine for your website!
One blog. Multiple blogs. Photo albums. User community. Discussion forums. Online manuals. b2evolution can run them all on a single installation. Right out of the box — plugins fully optional.


Key features of b2evolution CMS include its robust blogging and site-building capabilities. Whether you're looking to create a personal blog or design an intricate website for your business, b2evolution provides the flexibility and resources to make it happen. Its powerful back-office allows you to manage multiple blogs, forums, photo galleries, and more – all from one centralized location.

Moreover, b2evolution CMS supports advanced user permissions and workflow management. This means you can establish different levels of access rights for various users and effectively manage the publication process with ease. Additionally, its inherent multi-lingual support makes it a suitable choice for international organizations seeking to communicate with a global audience.

With 169 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-09-09 the project looks stale.