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Bitcart is a robust, self-hosted platform offering comprehensive solutions for cryptocurrency payment processing and software development. Designed for accessibility and flexibility, it empowers businesses to seamlessly integrate digital payments into their operations.

Your self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency all-in-one solution. Accept crypto and stablecoins payments and develop custom apps with ease


Key features of Bitcart include its robust capabilities for managing cryptocurrency payments. This feature simplifies the complex process of receiving and managing digital currency payments, whether you're a business owner looking to expand into the digital market or a developer seeking to build applications around crypto transactions.

For developers, Bitcart serves as an intuitive development platform. It provides the tools necessary to build innovative applications centered around blockchain technology. Furthermore, being self-hosted means you have complete control over your data and operations. With Bitcart, businesses can unlock new opportunities in the evolving world of digital transactions.

With 0 GitHub stars and the latest commit on the project looks .