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DailyTxT is a unique and highly secure encrypted diary web app designed to keep and protect your day-to-day memories. This intuitive platform offers you a safe space to jot down all the special moments of your daily life.

GitHub - PhiTux/DailyTxT: Encrypted Diary Web-App
Encrypted Diary Web-App. Contribute to PhiTux/DailyTxT development by creating an account on GitHub.


The main feature of DailyTxT is its robust encryption system that ensures optimal security for your personal thoughts and experiences. You can write freely, knowing that your entries are protected from prying eyes. The app provides an easy-to-use interface, making it suitable for anyone who wants a secure digital platform to record their daily memories.

What sets DailyTxT apart is its encryption facility that maintains the confidentiality of your diary entries. Additionally, being a web app, it provides the convenience of logging in and recording your thoughts from anywhere at any time. With DailyTxT, you get to enjoy the blend of traditional diary writing with modern security features.

With 142 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-13 the project looks healthy.