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Gancio is a software designed to streamline the scheduling and event planning process for local communities. It operates as a shared, inclusive agenda that brings individuals together, promoting communal growth and interaction.

Gancio is a shared agenda for local communities.


Key features of Gancio include its openness and shared nature. It allows users from a community to see, add, or edit events on the agenda. This promotes active participation from each member while ensuring that every event is accounted for and viewed by those in the locality. With Gancio's user-friendly interface, everyone has a hand in the community's progression and activities.

In addition, this software is highly adaptable. It can cater to communities of varying sizes - from small neighborhood groups to larger city-wide assemblies. The software also allows for customizable settings depending on each community's unique needs and preferences. With Gancio, every local group has the potential to foster better communication, cooperation, and camaraderie among its members.

With no link to a GitHub repository in our database, it is hard to estimate the project viability. Here is a link to another repository: https://framagit.org/les/gancio