GeoIP Service
- 1 min read

GeoIP Service

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GeoIP Service is a user-friendly Geolocation application, using maxmind as its base. It aims to provide users with a simple, yet effective method of obtaining as much information as possible about a specific location through the use of IP addresses.

cloudron / geoip · GitLab Code


The functionality of GeoIP Service is based on two primary routes - `/json` and `/jsonp?callback=functionName`. Upon making a request to either of these two routes, the software swiftly processes the information and converts the IP into detailed location data. This service adds value by returning comprehensive details about the country and city associated with the given IP.

A unique aspect of GeoIP Service lies in its additional function that allows for query parameters `ip` to override the source IP. This feature provides users with enhanced flexibility in their searches, enabling them to obtain accurate geographical data based on specific IPs of their choice.

With no link to a GitHub repository in our database, it is hard to estimate the project viability.