- 2 min read


Discover real-time server insights with GoAccess, an open-source log analyzer with terminal and browser dashboards for instant web stats.

GoAccess is an open-source real-time web log analyzer that offers a terminal-based interface as well as a browser-based dashboard. It is designed for system administrators needing quick insights into server activity and web statistics. The tool supports various log formats and provides updates in real-time, making it an ideal solution for monitoring and analytics.

GoAccess - Visual Web Log Analyzer
GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Analysis: Immediate updates of web statistics directly in your terminal or browser, with updates every 200 ms for terminal output and every second for HTML output.
  • Comprehensive Log Support: Customizable to nearly all web log formats, including Apache, Nginx, Amazon S3, and many more.
  • Application Response Tracking: Monitor the time it takes to serve requests to identify pages that could be slowing down your website.
  • Incremental Log Processing: Offers data persistence by processing logs incrementally with an on-disk B+Tree database.
  • Minimal Dependencies: Written in C with ncurses as the only dependency.
  • User-Friendly Configuration: Simple setup process with predefined log format options for ease of use.
  • Detailed Visitor Metrics: Access detailed data on hits, visitors, bandwidth, and slowest requests organized by hour or date.
  • Virtual Host Metrics: View resource consumption by each virtual host on your server.
  • Customizable Color Schemes: Personalize GoAccess to match your color preferences either in the terminal or in the HTML report stylesheets.

GoAccess Screenshots

Suggested Developer Use Cases

  • Analyze server logs on-the-go via SSH for quick troubleshooting without needing a full-fledged analytics suite.
  • Create real-time monitoring dashboards that can be integrated into existing DevOps workflows for continuous observation.
  • Generate self-contained HTML reports that can be shared with clients or team members for easy access to analytics data without additional software requirements.
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