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Hyphanet is a unique tool designed for those seeking privacy and anonymity in their online activities. This software allows you to share files anonymously, browse the internet without trace, publish 'freesites' only accessible through Hyphanet, and engage in forum discussions. All these features are designed to maintain your privacy while providing an engaging online experience.



The key feature of Hyphanet is its anonymous file sharing capability. You can share files without having to reveal your identity, ensuring your privacy remains intact. This feature is particularly useful for whistleblowers, journalists or anyone who values their online privacy.

Furthermore, Hyphanet also lets you browse the internet in complete anonymity. This ensures that your browsing history cannot be tracked by third parties. Additionally, with Hyphanet you can publish 'freesites', special websites that are only accessible through this platform - an added advantage for those wanting to maintain their web presence discreetly.

Lastly, the software also has a chat forum feature allowing users to have open discussions while maintaining their anonymity. All of these functionalities make Hyphanet not just a tool for maintaining online privacy but also a platform for engaging securely with the digital world.

With 916 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-25 the project looks healthy.