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ImmuDB stands as an immutable ledger database, designed with the core principles of performance, scalability, and versatility. It is highly appreciated by users for its tremendous throughput and the unique capability to store both hashes and data. Most consider it as a robust alternative to conventional blockchain or ledger services.

immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL and Key-Value
The open-Source immutable database based on zero trust, SQL and Key-Value, tamperproof, data change history with time travel.


A key feature of ImmuDB is its ability to monitor changes effectively and carry out audits seamlessly. In contrast to traditional databases where transactions and logs are mutable and challenging to scale, ImmuDB offers immutable characteristics. Users can create new versions of the existing records but cannot alter or delete any records. This reliable feature ensures critical data is stored securely without the fear of silent modifications.

ImmuDB eliminates the need to compromise performance for data verification. The data stored in ImmuDB is cryptographically coherent and verifiable similar to blockchains but without their complexity. Unlike typical blockchains that have limitations in handling transactions per second, ImmuDB scores high with its ability to deal with millions of transactions every second. Its versatility extends as it can either serve as a lightweight service or be embedded right into your application as a library.

With 8312 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.