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Jam is an open-source software that serves as an excellent alternative to Clubhouse. This unique platform allows users to engage in private audio chat rooms, making it easy to keep in touch with your friends and family.

Jam Pro
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One of the key features of Jam is its open-source nature. This means that anyone can access the source code, contribute to its development and adapt it to fit their specific needs. Unlike many other applications in the same category, Jam's transparency enables you to ensure your privacy and optimize your user experience.

Furthermore, Jam's private audio chat rooms uphold freedom of speech while ensuring a safe space for conversation. Users can create their own rooms where they can invite friends and family to join. Conversations are encrypted, ensuring that all discussions remain confidential.

Lastly, the user-friendly interface of Jam provides an intuitive experience even for first-time users. Its design promotes ease of navigation so you can effortlessly establish connections with your loved ones anytime, anywhere.

With 1191 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-12-08 the project looks stale.