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JARR (Just Another RSS Reader) is a digital tool designed to simplify your news consumption experience. It operates as an online-based news aggregator and reader, having its roots in the development of the popular Newspipe software. JARR provides a streamlined platform where users can effortlessly manage their daily flow of information.

Introducing JARR v1
It’s time I (re)present to the world a project I’ve been working on for some time now. It’s a web app that agregate feeds (RSS/Atom) and it let you read most of them inside your browser. JARR (and it stands for Just Another Rss Reader …


Key elements of JARR's functionality include its ability to consolidate various news sources into one convenient location. With this feature, users no longer need to visit multiple websites or apps for updates, offering a substantial time-saving advantage. It also has fine-tuned sorting capabilities that allow users to organize their news feed according to their specific preferences.

Another essential feature of JARR is its user-friendly interface that allows for smooth navigation and easy access to its functionalities. The software is also known for its responsiveness and capacity to handle even high volumes of information without compromising on performance or speed. As an added convenience, JARR's web-based design means it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, providing complete flexibility for its users.

With 107 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-06-15 the project looks healthy.