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Jitsu is a dynamic and accessible open-source alternative to closed analytics platforms like Google Analytics and Segment. It's designed as an adaptable data ingestion engine for contemporary data teams, allowing for the creation of real-time data pipelines with impressive efficiency.



One of the key attributes of Jitsu is its ability to be framework-agnostic. This means no matter the technical structure your team is working with, Jitsu offers a fitting solution. The software can stream data in real-time or send it in micro-batches as frequently as once per minute. It's configured to automatically decipher user geo-location based on IP address, along with parsing user agents to eliminate bots and identify device types.

Easy installation is another benefit offered by Jitsu. After selecting your framework, you simply need to add some code lines to your application. Once connected to your chosen data warehouse (options include Snowflake, Clickhouse, BigQuery, S3, Redshift or Postgres), you can instantaneously start querying your data.

Lastly, Jitsu isn't just limited to data warehouses; it can also push data towards other services like Amplitude, Hubspot and Google Analytics or even call any HTTP-API. Overall, Jitsu streamlines your analytics processes while offering flexibility and ease of use.

With 3508 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.