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MyBB is an open-source and free-to-use forum software that brings an intuitive interface and extensive features to create engaging online communities. It furnishes a great extent of flexibility, allowing users to mold it according to their unique requirements.

MyBB - Free and Open Source Forum Software
The official homepage for MyBB, a free and open source PHP forum software.


One of its key features is its extensible plugin system. This feature enables users to augment the software's functionality with ease and without the need for advanced technical skills. It includes a user-friendly admin panel that provides control over every aspect of the forum, making managing and moderating online discussions simpler and more efficient.

Furthermore, MyBB also supports multi-language interfaces, providing inclusivity to a global audience. Its template system allows for in-depth customization of your forum's appearance. Moreover, the built-in template editor lets you make changes directly from your browser without any additional tools.

Lastly, it offers robust user management capabilities including private messaging, reputation systems, customizable profiles and user groups which give administrators the power to create a truly personalized community experience.

With 947 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-05 the project looks healthy.