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Peppermint is a user-friendly software designed to streamline ticket management processes. Equipped with an array of features, it elevates efficiency and productivity in handling support tickets. Its robust capabilities and smart design make it an excellent tool for organizations seeking to improve customer service and task management.

Home: peppermint.sh
Welcome to peppermint.sh, open source ticket management that doesnt break the bank.


One of the key features of Peppermint is its comprehensive log support. It enables users to keep detailed records of all activities related to a ticket, including status changes, communication threads, and resolution steps. This feature not only promotes transparency but also helps in identifying areas that need improvement.

Another standout feature of Peppermint is its full support for multi-deployment. It can be deployed on various platforms without sacrificing functionality or ease of use. This flexibility makes it suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises.

With 1115 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-06-13 the project looks healthy.