- 2 min read


Discover Postal, the open-source alternative to Sendgrid or Mailgun for managing emails, analytics, webhooks, and deliverability.

Overview: Postal is a robust open-source mail server designed for websites and web servers to handle their email needs. Developed by Krystal, it offers a comprehensive suite of features typically found in proprietary solutions like Sendgrid or Mailgun, but with the flexibility and control that comes from self-hosting. Whether you're looking to manage multiple organizations, track deliveries in real-time with webhooks, or ensure high deliverability with built-in DNS monitoring, Postal stands out as a scalable and versatile option.

An open source, transactional mail server for web apps.

Key Features

  • Multiple Organizations: Supports numerous organizations with their own mail servers and users, providing versatility for complex setups.
  • Detailed Analytics: Offers graphs and statistics to monitor the volume of sent and received emails, enabling better oversight and management.
  • Message Retention Control: Configure per-server retention policies to manage how long messages are stored in the database and on disk.
  • Webhooks & Debugging: Utilize webhooks for real-time delivery updates and retain webhook requests for up to seven days for thorough debugging.
  • Comprehensive Logging: Maintain complete logs for easy troubleshooting of delivery issues.
  • Diverse Sending Options: Send emails via SMTP or HTTP API, manage multiple credentials, and use DKIM signing for outbound messages.
  • Email Tracking: Track when recipients open emails and interact with links through click and open tracking features.
  • Incoming Email Management: Forward incoming emails to HTTP endpoints, other SMTP servers, or email addresses while checking spam and threats.

Postal Screenshots

Suggested Developer Use Cases

  • Create an internal email delivery system that integrates seamlessly with your company's existing web applications or services.
  • Implement a custom notification service where clients can receive real-time updates on orders, services, or events through automated emails.
  • Leverage Postal's webhook feature to build advanced analytics dashboards that track email engagement metrics for marketing campaigns.
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