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RconCli is an innovative command line interface developed to streamline the process of executing remote commands on Valve Source dedicated servers. This software utilizes the robust RCON Protocol to ensure reliable and efficient communication with the server.

GitHub - gorcon/rcon-cli: RCON client for executing queries on game server.
RCON client for executing queries on game server. Contribute to gorcon/rcon-cli development by creating an account on GitHub.


The primary functionality of RconCli is its unique ability to serve as a bridge between users and remote servers. It facilitates seamless interactions, allowing users to execute queries from a convenient location, thus enhancing flexibility and efficiency. Utilizing this software, you are no longer tethered to your server location and can perform imperative tasks from wherever you are.

Another significant feature of RconCli is its utilization of the RCON Protocol. This protocol is known for its resilience and reliability in executing remote commands on servers. This means that when you send a command or query via RconCli, you can rest assured that your instruction will be executed efficiently without any risk of data loss or server downtime.

In conclusion, whether you're managing a single server or an array of them, RconCli can simplify the process significantly by providing an efficient platform for executing remote queries. Its use of the dependable RCON Protocol makes it an indispensable tool for any dedicated Valve Source server manager.

With 171 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-03-19 the project looks stale.