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ReducePy is a robust URL shortening software solution built with Tornado and Redis. It's specifically engineered to function seamlessly on Docker and Kubernetes platforms, offering an efficient way to manage lengthy URLs.

GitHub - abdullahselek/ReducePy: URL shortener service using Tornado and Redis runs on Docker and Kubernetes.
URL shortener service using Tornado and Redis runs on Docker and Kubernetes. - GitHub - abdullahselek/ReducePy: URL shortener service using Tornado and Redis runs on Docker and Kubernetes.


One of the key features of ReducePy is its use of Tornado and Redis. Tornado, a Python web framework, ensures an open-source, non-blocking web server functionality. It's coupled with Redis, a powerful in-memory data structure store used as a database. This combination makes ReducePy not only efficient but also reliable for URL shortening tasks.

Another significant feature is its compatibility with Docker and Kubernetes. Docker provides an open platform for developing distributed applications while Kubernetes offers a portable, extensible platform for managing containerized workloads and services. By running on these platforms, ReducePy guarantees quick delivery of services across various systems without any hitches.

With 34 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-04-03 the project looks abandoned.