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Simple-URL-Shortener is a user-friendly web tool designed to simplify the process of shortening your URLs. It provides a clean, straightforward interface that makes the task of creating concise URL links quick and easy. Whether you're using it for personal or business use, this tool offers a useful way to generate shorter URLs that are easier to share.

GitHub - azlux/Simple-URL-Shortener: url shortener written in php (with MySQL or SQLite) with history by users
url shortener written in php (with MySQL or SQLite) with history by users - GitHub - azlux/Simple-URL-Shortener: url shortener written in php (with MySQL or SQLite) with history by users


The Simple-URL-Shortener stands out for its dual functionality - it can be used either publicly or privately. The public option allows anyone to shorten URLs without requiring an account, making it highly accessible and convenient for occasional users. On the other hand, the private option requires an account but offers enhanced features and security benefits.

One key advantage of having an account with Simple-URL-Shortener is that it allows you to track your shortened URLs more effectively. You can monitor how many clicks your link has received, providing insights into your audience's engagement levels. Plus, with your own account, you have the reassurance that your links are secure and won't be easily tampered with by outsiders.

With 37 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2021-01-05 the project looks abandoned.