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SIP Irrigation Control

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SIP Irrigation Control offers a versatile tool for managing and controlling sprinkler and irrigation systems. This open-source software is designed to simplify the intricacies of irrigation management, providing users a straightforward platform to handle their watering needs.

SIP DIY Irrigation Control
A highly cusomizable DIY irrigation/sprinkler controller based on Raspberry Pi


The key feature of the SIP Irrigation Control is its adaptability and ease-of-use. Users can effortlessly program watering schedules, monitor the status of their systems, and even adjust settings remotely. This allows for more efficient water use, potentially saving costs on utilities while promoting healthier plants and landscapes.

Furthermore, being an open-source software, SIP Irrigation Control fosters a community centred around continuous development and improvement. Users can freely contribute to its development or modify it to best suit their individual needs. It's the perfect tool for anyone who seeks a customizable, efficient system for managing irrigation.

With 301 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-03-25 the project looks stale.