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Squidex is an advanced, open-source headless Content Management System (CMS) built upon MongoDB, Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), and Event Sourcing technologies. Its robust foundation provides the ability to manage data efficiently across multiple platforms.

Squidex - an OpenSource Headless CMS, a CMS with an API
Squidex is 100% Open Source Headless CMS software with a high quality code base, centralized, structured and with seamless integrations to other systems.


In its core features, Squidex stands out with its flexible content modeling. Thanks to its MongoDB base, it provides superior scalability and performance. The content model adapts to your needs instead of forcing you into pre-defined structures. This makes it perfect for managing complex data across various applications.

Another prominent feature of Squidex is its CQRS and Event Sourcing based architecture. It facilitates the efficient handling of high data volumes by segregating commands from queries. Moreover, through Event Sourcing, every change in the system can be traced back to its origin providing excellent auditing capabilities.

Lastly, Squidex offers a user-friendly interface with powerful search capabilities and localization features that make managing content across multiple languages a breeze. It also supports integration with various third-party applications to extend functionality.

With 1973 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.