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Teedy offers an efficient and streamlined solution for document management, designed for those looking for comprehensive functionality without the hefty price tag. It's a compact yet feature-rich system that was formerly known as SismicsDocs.

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The core of Teedy lies in its versatility and robustness. The software supports multiple file formats, including PDF, Office documents, images, and much more. In addition to its core functionality of document management, Teedy also serves as a full-fledged media library offering image previewing capabilities.

One key aspect that sets Teedy apart is its advanced search feature. With this tool at your disposal, you no longer have to worry about losing important documents in the jumble of files; it allows you to swiftly locate any file or folder by name or metadata. Furthermore, with Teedy's flexible tagging and categorization system, organizing your files becomes a breeze.

All in all, whether you're an individual looking for an efficient way to manage personal files or a business seeking to streamline workflow and improve productivity, Teedy provides a cost-effective and practical solution.

With 1522 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-06-29 the project looks healthy.