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ZenTao is a comprehensive project management tool, designed to help teams effectively implement and manage their projects using agile scrum methodologies. It supports all aspects of project management, from planning to execution, with an eye towards enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Open Source Project Management Software-Scrum Tool - ZenTao
Project management tool for agile teams. Sprint Planning✓ Bug tracking✓ Roadmap✓ Gantt Chart✓ Burndown Chart✓ Kanban✓ Self Hosted and SaaS✓ CI Management✓ CI Management✓ Product Backlog✓


Key features of ZenTao include product management, project management, quality management, document management and organization. The software houses an effective product backlog feature for efficient task segregation. With ZenTao, you can create stories, link them to projects or sprints and assign them to individuals or teams based on priorities.

In addition to these features, ZenTao also provides comprehensive quality assurance and testing features that help in the detection of bugs and their eventual resolution. For organizing team knowledge efficiently, it offers document libraries for each product and project. The system incorporates feedback loops at every stage ensuring iterative development driven by continuous integration.

The software's customizable dashboard provides users with an overview of their tasks at a glance. ZenTao also has a visual reporting system that helps in tracking the performance metrics of your projects. Whether you are in software development or any other industry where project management is crucial, ZenTao offers dynamic solutions for all your needs.

With 1119 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-04-23 the project looks stale.