- 1 min read

Access to Memory (AtoM)

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Access to Memory (AtoM) is a revolutionary open-source application that operates in a web-based setting. Its primary purpose is to facilitate standards-based archival description and access across a diverse, multilingual, and multi-repository environment. This unique tool is designed to meet the evolving needs of archives and other memory institutions around the world.

AtoM: Open Source Archival Description Software
Access to Memory (AtoM): Open Source Archival Description Software


The core features of AtoM include its ability to operate within a highly diversified multilingual environment. It supports an array of languages, thereby facilitating global use and making it an inclusive software solution for users worldwide. Moreover, it's also built for multi-repository settings enhancing its adaptability.

Another key feature is its adherence to archival description standards. AtoM's standards-based operations ensure that it aligns with international principles of archival description which in turn increases interoperability across systems and promotes organized archiving practices.

In addition, the application is web-based making it easily accessible from anywhere at any time. This also ensures that it can be readily updated or modified as per user requirements without the need for extensive installations or upgrades.

With 213 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-13 the project looks healthy.