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Bar Assistant

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The Bar Assistant is a unique and innovative application that serves as your personal aide in managing your home bar. It's a self-hosted solution designed to streamline the process of inventory tracking, drink preparation, and guest handling.

GitHub - karlomikus/bar-assistant: Bar assistant is a self hosted application for managing your home bar.
Bar assistant is a self hosted application for managing your home bar. - GitHub - karlomikus/bar-assistant: Bar assistant is a self hosted application for managing your home bar.


The key features of Bar Assistant make it an indispensable tool for any home bar owner. It boasts an intuitive inventory management system, allowing you to keep track of each bottle and ingredient in your collection. This ensures that you're always prepared for any cocktail request.

Moreover, the Bar Assistant also provides comprehensive drink preparation guides. These step-by-step tutorials are perfect for both novice mixologists and seasoned bartenders alike. Additionally, it has a built-in guest management feature which helps you keep track of the drinks preferences and orders of your guests.

In summary, the Bar Assistant turns managing a home bar into a seamless experience. From inventory tracking to drink preparation and guest management, everything is made simpler and more enjoyable with this self-hosted application.

With 210 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-30 the project looks healthy.