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eGroupWare constitutes an all-in-one software suite designed to facilitate business operations and team collaboration. It integrates various features such as calendar systems, address books, and notepads in a unified platform for seamless accessibility. The software also extends its utility to project management and client relationship management (CRM) tools, thereby ensuring everything you need to run your business effectively is at your fingertips.

Groupware Software | Online Collaboration tools | Try it for free!
Groupware tool for online collaboration and organisation. EGroupware integrates cutting edge collaboration technologies - available in german hosting environment or on-premises.


The key features of eGroupWare include project management tools that help in planning, executing, and tracking the progress of projects. The included CRM tools allow businesses to manage all their customer relationships effectively. Also equipped with knowledge management modules, the software aids in organizing and sharing information within the organization.

Additional standout features include a wiki for team collaboration on various topics or projects. On top of this, it incorporates a Content Management System (CMS) which allows you to manage digital content efficiently. Each feature has been designed keeping user-friendliness in mind making eGroupWare an exceptional choice for businesses looking to streamline their operations.

With 216 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.