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FeedMixer is an efficient micro web service built on the robust foundation of Python3's WSGI. Its core function is to take in a list of feed URLs and produce a fresh feed that encompasses the most recent 'n' entries from each given URL. This new consolidated feed is then returned in user's preferred format: Atom, RSS, or JSON.

GitHub - cristoper/feedmixer: A self-hosted API to fetch and mix entries from Atom and RSS feeds (returns Atom, RSS, or JSON)
A self-hosted API to fetch and mix entries from Atom and RSS feeds (returns Atom, RSS, or JSON) - GitHub - cristoper/feedmixer: A self-hosted API to fetch and mix entries from Atom and RSS feeds (r…


A standout feature of FeedMixer is its ability to amalgamate various feeds into one unified stream which substantially enhances your data management process. It expertly sifts through multiple feeds you provide and picks out only the most recent entries from each one. This not only keeps your feed updated with the latest information but also negates the need for going through each individual feed.

Another notable characteristic of FeedMixer is its flexibility in output formats. Depending on your needs and platform compatibility, it can return feeds in Atom, RSS or JSON formats. This broadens its usability across different platforms and applications.

With 116 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-25 the project looks healthy.