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Frab is a comprehensive online solution designed to streamline the process of conference planning and management. It offers a user-friendly interface, simplifying the organization of conferences and making them more efficient.

conference management system


Key features of frab include a robust system for scheduling and tracking the agenda of the conference. This allows users to easily manage the timeline of events and ensures smooth transitions between different sessions. Additionally, it also facilitates communication between attendees, speakers, and organizers.

Furthermore, frab comes equipped with a unique submission handling feature. This tool allows conference organizers to effortlessly manage submissions from potential speakers or presenters. It not only streamlines the review process, but also provides useful analytics to aid in decision making. Lastly, frab's email notification system ensures that everyone involved stays updated on important developments regarding the conference.

With 662 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-02 the project looks healthy.