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Gotenberg is a Docker-driven, stateless API designed to offer developers an easy way to convert a variety of document formats into PDF files. Leveraging robust tools like Chromium and LibreOffice, it can handle numerous document formats, such as HTML, Markdown, Word, and Excel.

Gotenberg | Gotenberg


The software's key features include converting and merging capabilities. Gotenberg's API provides an intuitive user experience with powerful tools like Chromium and LibreOffice. It enables the seamless conversion of multiple document formats into PDF files. Whether you're dealing with HTML, Markdown, Word documents or Excel spreadsheets, Gotenberg has you covered.

Another innovative feature is its asynchronous workflow that takes advantage of webhooks to flexibly upload the output file to your preferred destination. Featuring customizability down to the HTTP headers sent to your webhook and the HTTP method used for calling it, this tool offers various options tailored to meet your specific requirements.

With 5297 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-30 the project looks healthy.