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Graph-vl is a cutting-edge software solution that leverages the power of Machine Learning and GraphQL to verify identity documents. This innovative application delivers reliable and swift results, ensuring the integrity of personal identification information.

GitHub - verifid/graph-vl: Self hosted identity verification layer with GraphQL.
Self hosted identity verification layer with GraphQL. - GitHub - verifid/graph-vl: Self hosted identity verification layer with GraphQL.


Key features include efficient document verification utilizing Machine Learning algorithms. These algorithms are designed to quickly analyze and verify various forms of identification, increasing the speed of processes such as onboarding or user validation. This feature reduces manual effort and minimizes the risk of human error.

The other robust feature of graph-vl is its use of GraphQL technology. GraphQL enhances the performance by allowing clients to request specific data they need, reducing unnecessary data transfer, thus improving efficiency and speed. In combination with Machine Learning capabilities, this makes graph-vl a powerful tool for any entity that requires secure and efficient identity document verification.

With 46 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-05-17 the project looks healthy.