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HomeHost is a comprehensive media streaming application that allows you to seamlessly host and stream your personal collection of music, movies, books, podcasts and comics. Built on the robust platforms of React and Redux, HomeHost provides a self-hosted solution for all your media needs.

GitHub - ridhwaans/homehost: self-hosted, Netflix-like app made for streaming
self-hosted, Netflix-like app made for streaming. Contribute to ridhwaans/homehost development by creating an account on GitHub.


The key feature of HomeHost lies in its ability to centralize various forms of media into one platform. With this application, users can manage their music collection alongside their favorite movies, books, podcasts and even comics. This makes it an effective tool for organizing and accessing diverse forms of content from anywhere at any time.

Moreover, HomeHost stands out with its self-hosting capabilities. It gives users full control over their content without relying on third-party providers. It also ensures data privacy as your media remains within your network providing an extra layer of security. Furthermore, with the power of React + Redux technologies underlying its design, HomeHost offers a smooth user experience with robust performance.

With 970 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-03-05 the project looks stale.