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IHateMoney is a user-friendly software designed to streamline the handling of shared expenses. It's the ideal tool for anyone who needs an easy and straightforward way to keep track of bills, particularly in shared living arrangements, group travels, or any situation where costs are split among individuals.

Account manager


Key features of this effective yet easy-to-use software include its ability to document all types of shared expenses. Users can conveniently input individual contributions, making it simple to see at any given time who has paid what, and to whom money is owed. The real-time tracking feature additionally helps keep everyone in the loop and promotes transparency.

Another valuable feature of IHateMoney is its ability to generate comprehensive reports. These reports provide a detailed view of all transactions within a specific timeframe, ensuring everyone's contributions are accurately represented. This feature furthers IHateMoney's mission to simplify cost sharing, making it an indispensable tool for managing finances in any shared-cost scenario.

With 908 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-30 the project looks healthy.