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kcal is the perfect companion app for anyone looking to understand their diet better and make informed decisions about what they consume. This software enables users to track vital nutritional information about the foods they eat and the recipes they follow. With kcal, you can tailor your diet according to your needs, be it losing weight, gaining muscle, managing a health condition, or simply staying fit.

GitHub - kcal-app/kcal: the personal food nutrition journal
the personal food nutrition journal. Contribute to kcal-app/kcal development by creating an account on GitHub.


The core features of kcal involve comprehensive tracking of nutritional data in food items and recipes. It makes it easy to understand what you're putting into your body at every meal. You can learn about the calorie content, carbohydrate breakdown, protein count, fat content and much more with just a few taps. This feature enables users to adjust their diets as per their nutritional requirements.

Additionally, kcal allows users to set personalized dietary goals. Whether you want to cut down on sugar or increase your protein intake for muscle gain, this application assists you in setting and tracking these goals effectively. Moreover, with its advanced food journaling feature, users can record all their meals along with their nutritional values throughout the day. This is an excellent way for users to monitor their progress over time towards achieving their health objectives.

With 222 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-11-02 the project looks stale.