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KeystoneJS stands as a robust and flexible content management system (CMS) and web application platform. It provides a unified solution for creating intricate, data-driven websites, applications, and APIs with ease.

KeystoneJS: The superpowered Node.js Headless CMS for developers - Keystone 6
Build faster and scale further with the programmable open source GraphQL API back-end for structured content projects.


 KeystoneJS comes with an array of essential features necessary for modern-day web development. To start with, it offers an extensible Admin UI right out of the box that allows you to manage your data in a user-friendly interface. This means you can focus on creating fantastic applications rather than dealing with complex database operations.

 The platform is also known for its powerful dynamic route bindings feature which allows developers to create readable URLs that are SEO-friendly and more engaging to users. Furthermore, it supports the integration of social networks right into your apps by providing OAuth support out of the box. In addition to that, KeystoneJS employs an array of field types like name, email, password, text area etc., making form creation a breeze.

 Lastly, KeystoneJS ensures the security of your applications by providing inbuilt protection against common web vulnerabilities such as CSRF attacks. This ultimately makes it an ideal choice for developers wanting to build secure and scalable apps.

With 8208 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-08-01 the project looks healthy.