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M3DB stands as the go-to solution for Cloud Native organizations aiming to expand their Prometheus-based monitoring systems. It boasts an effortless integration as it can serve as a Prometheus Remote Storage while offering complete PromQL compatibility.

M3: Open Source Metrics Engine
M3 is a Prometheus compatible, easy to adopt metrics engine that powers/provides visibility for some of the world’s largest brands.


M3DB is recognized for its incredible scalability. It has proven its capacity in the world’s largest scales by accommodating tens of billions of active metric time series. This feature makes it an ideal choice for businesses operating on a grand scale or those planning to scale up in the future.

Another remarkable attribute of M3DB is its efficiency. It employs an optimized compression algorithm that achieves an impressive 11X compression ratio. This results in not just space efficiency but also enhances data retrieval and processing speeds, making M3DB not only a powerful but also a highly effective metrics engine.

With 4466 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-27 the project looks healthy.