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Mapzy is a sleek and intuitive store locator that can be easily integrated into your website without the need for coding. It is designed to add aesthetic value while promoting functionality, working smoothly across all types of devices. Mapzy places a high emphasis on privacy and does not collect any data from your visitors.

Simple, pretty store locator for your website - Mapzy
With Mapzy, you can add a beautiful store locator to your website without touching a line of code. It’s simple, looks great on every device and doesn’t invade your privacy.


The core design philosophy of Mapzy revolves around simplicity and elegance. It has been crafted meticulously to meet the aesthetic standards of all websites and devices. The interface has been streamlined to allow users to navigate without being overwhelmed by unnecessary features. It performs its core duties excellently, ensuring users can add locations to their maps with ease.

One of Mapzy's key features is its non-requirement of any coding knowledge. You can set up your store locator using the Mapzy dashboard in just a few minutes, without writing a single line of code. Installation onto your website is straightforward; simply copy one line onto your site and it's live! Compatibility is also not an issue with Mapzy as it works seamlessly with any type of website - be it Wordpress, Shopify, Webflow, or Squarespace.

With 45 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-05-17 the project looks healthy.