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MediaHut is a unique media gallery software designed for simplicity and ease of use. It operates as a single-file PHP system, eliminating the need for any database connections or complex installations. This standalone software offers a smooth and convenient solution to effortlessly showcase your media files.

GitHub - Fortyseven/MediaHut: A truly single-file, no-database, drop-in PHP media gallery.
A truly single-file, no-database, drop-in PHP media gallery. - GitHub - Fortyseven/MediaHut: A truly single-file, no-database, drop-in PHP media gallery.


The primary feature of MediaHut lies in its simplicity. Its design allows you to just drop it into your server and start using it right away. There's no need to worry about setting up databases or dealing with complicated file structures. This makes MediaHut an ideal choice for beginners who want an easy-to-navigate media gallery, as well as experts who appreciate streamlined functionality.

Additionally, MediaHut proves that simplicity doesn't mean sacrificing quality or capability. Despite being a single-file system, it effectively manages and displays various types of media files. It's the perfect tool for anyone seeking an uncomplicated yet powerful solution to managing their online media gallery.

With 20 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-04-06 the project looks abandoned.