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MicroBin is an uncomplicated yet powerful pastebin and URL shortener that offers a range of options to enhance your digital experience. It is designed to work independently without the need for extra plug-ins or software, making it a highly self-contained solution.

GitHub - szabodanika/microbin: A tiny, self-contained, configurable paste bin and URL shortener written in Rust.
A tiny, self-contained, configurable paste bin and URL shortener written in Rust. - GitHub - szabodanika/microbin: A tiny, self-contained, configurable paste bin and URL shortener written in Rust.


MicroBin is known for its superior performance. Despite its simplicity, it does not compromise on speed, ensuring quick and smooth operation. Whether you're sharing code snippets with your team or shortening URLs for easy sharing, MicroBin makes it happen in no time.

Beyond performance, customization is a core strength of MicroBin. The software allows users to adjust settings according to their specific needs - be it tweaking the appearance or changing functional aspects. This way, MicroBin not only performs well; it also fits into your workflow seamlessly.

Lastly, being an entirely self-contained solution means that all the features you need are packed into MicroBin itself. You won't have to worry about downloading additional add-ons or dealing with compatibility issues. Everything you need is right there in MicroBin.

With 1597 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-15 the project looks healthy.