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MokinToken is a robust and secure pastebin software solution that utilizes the power of tweetnacl for client-side encryption. It is designed to provide maximum security to your data. With MokinToken, you gain peace of mind knowing your data is encrypted and stored securely.

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MokinToken's primary feature lies in its client-side encryption capability. This unique trait ensures that all your data goes through a thorough encryption process on your local device before it's sent over the network and stored on the servers. This approach notably increases the safety of your data by reducing potential exposure during transmission.

In addition, MokinToken uses tweetnacl, a reliable cryptography library for encryption duties. Tweetnacl contributes to MokinToken’s sturdy security by providing high-speed software that implements an excellent selection of modern encryption methods. Therefore, with MokinToken you not only get an encrypted pastebin service but also an assurance that each piece of information you store and share is protected with advanced and secure encryption algorithms.

With 5 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-11-29 the project looks stale.