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myTinyTodo is a simple, yet effective task management software that utilizes AJAX style. It provides a streamlined interface that makes managing your to-do list an easy and enjoyable task. Whether you're handling personal errands or managing a complex project, myTinyTodo offers the flexibility and ease-of-use that you need.

myTinyTodo - simple open source to-do list script written in PHP and jQuery


The key feature of myTinyTodo is its simplicity in design with an emphasis on functionality. This software allows users to create, modify, and track tasks effortlessly. Its intuitive design allows even those unfamiliar with AJAX style interfaces to quickly become proficient in using the software. The straightforward structure ensures that all tasks are organized clearly, making it easy for users to oversee their progress.

In addition to its primary task management features, myTinyTodo also shines in terms of customization options. Users can easily personalize the look and feel of their interface, tailoring it to their specific needs or preferences. Moreover, the software also supports various themes and language options - making it accessible and adaptable for all types of users across the globe.

With 102 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-04-19 the project looks stale.