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OpenOLAT is a comprehensive online Learning Management System (LMS) that offers a versatile platform for e-learning and education. This web-based software provides a centralized location for teaching, evaluation, and communication, streamlining the learning process for both educators and students.

OpenOlat – Infinite learning
OpenOlat ist das LMS für Wissensvermittlung, eTesting & Verwaltung,das sich Ihren Ansprüchen anpasst! Vielseitig, intuitiv und zuverlässig!


Through OpenOLAT's intuitive interface, trainers can create engaging educational content tailored to their learners' needs. It offers various tools such as course creation features and assessment modules which allow educators to set up customized quizzes, surveys or tests. Furthermore, the software contains communication tools designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration among users.

One of the key strengths of OpenOLAT is its adaptability. It can be used in a variety of educational settings - from universities to corporations - making it a versatile tool for any learning scenario. Finally, OpenOLAT provides comprehensive tracking and reporting features. Educators can monitor student progress efficiently with accessible data visualizations representing grades and performance metrics.

With 250 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.