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Passbolt is an advanced password management solution, specifically crafted to facilitate collaborative use across various web servers. It's designed with a MySQL database backend for robust and secure operations. This tool provides a secure space where team members can store, share and manage passwords in an organized manner.

Passbolt: The Open Source Password Manager For Teams
The open source password manager for teams. Passbolt simplifies password management, helps prevent data loss, stores data securely and enables secure password sharing.


Key features of Passbolt include its ability to function on any web server, making it versatile and adaptable for various use cases. The software offers the convenience of managing passwords collectively which makes it ideal for team-based environments where password sharing is often required. With this feature, teams can streamline their workflow by eliminating the trouble of remembering numerous passwords or risking sensitive data by noting them down insecurely.

Further enhancing its capabilities, Passbolt employs a MySQL database backend, which ensures efficient storage and retrieval of password data. This feature guarantees high-speed performance even with extensive data handling. Additionally, Passbolt offers extension for Firefox and Chrome browsers which allows users to retrieve their passwords quickly while using the internet. Its user-friendly interface adds to its appeal making password management less cumbersome and more streamlined.

With 3908 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-26 the project looks healthy.