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Redmine stands out as a flexible solution for project management, made possible via a web application. It is developed using the robust Ruby on Rails framework, providing users with an adaptable platform to manage projects efficiently.

Overview - Redmine


Key features of Redmine include support for multiple projects and a flexible role-based access control system, simplifying team management across various initiatives. Its issue tracking system is equally customizable, providing an essential tool for managing tasks and measuring progress. With Redmine, you also have access to Gantt charts and calendars for effective project timeline visualization.

Project collaborations are made smooth with per-project wikis and forums, while news, documents & files management functionalities ensure everyone stays updated. It also offers feeds & email notifications, time tracking options along with customizable fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users. Redmine excels in source code management (SCM) as well as it seamlessly integrates with SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar. Additional features include issue creation via email support, multiple LDAP authentication support and user self-registration support.

Supporting multiple languages and databases takes its versatility even further. For additional assistance or discussions about Redmine's functionalities or potential issues encountered during use can be addressed in the dedicated Redmine forums.

With no link to a GitHub repository in our database, it is hard to estimate the project viability.