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Stalwart JMAP

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Stalwart JMAP is an advanced server solution that supports both JMAP and IMAP protocols. Built with a keen focus on security, it ensures safe and secure data transmission. Its high-speed operation ensures swift communication while its robust nature provides seamless performance even under heavy load conditions.

Stalwart JMAP Server | Stalwart Labs Ltd.


 One of the key features of Stalwart JMAP is its scalability. It can easily accommodate growth, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes - from startups to large scale corporations. Even if the business expands or the user base grows over time, Stalwart JMAP can smoothly handle the increased demand.

 The software also guarantees high operational speed. This feature plays a crucial role in providing fast email communication to users, ensuring your business remains efficient and maintains a competitive edge. Lastly, resilience is another defining feature of Stalwart JMAP; it promises robust performance, demonstrating exceptional durability even in challenging conditions.

With 513 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-28 the project looks healthy.