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Your Spotify

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Your Spotify Tracker provides you with a unique opportunity to dive deep into your music listening habits on Spotify. This easy-to-use tool encapsulates the essence of data-rich analytics and presents it in an accessible, user-friendly format.

GitHub - Yooooomi/your_spotify: Self hosted Spotify tracking dashboard
Self hosted Spotify tracking dashboard. Contribute to Yooooomi/your_spotify development by creating an account on GitHub.


Key features of Your Spotify Tracker include its ability to meticulously record your activity on Spotify. From the songs you played the most to the genres you frequently explore, it stores all this data and more. This feature creates a comprehensive record of your music preferences over time, offering personalized insights that could even help refine your future music choices.

Moreover, Your Spotify Tracker serves these statistics through an interactive web application. This means you can access and analyze your music consumption trends from any device with internet access. The analysis is engagingly visual and easy to comprehend, presenting complex data in a way that’s both appealing and meaningful.

In essence, if you're curious about your listening habits or wish to discover statistics about your favorite tunes on Spotify, Your Spotify Tracker is the ideal companion for any music enthusiast.

With 1743 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-24 the project looks healthy.