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CKAN is a powerful, robust software designed to facilitate the creation and management of open data websites. It serves as an essential tool for those seeking to make data more accessible and understandable, providing a platform where open data can be shared, searched, and consumed by everyone.

CKAN - The open source data management system
CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data.


Key features of CKAN include its versatile data publishing platform that allows users to publish large amounts of datasets in an organized and manageable way. This feature ensures that your audience can easily find the data they need without having to sift through irrelevant information. Moreover, the platform supports vast types of data including but not limited to geospatial, tabular, and statistical datasets.

Another noteworthy feature is CKAN's customizable themes which let users adjust and tailor their site's appearance according to their preferences or branding requirements. It also boasts an extensive API (Application Programming Interface), enabling developers to create complex applications utilizing the data provided on the site. CKAN also includes authorization controls ensuring appropriate access levels are maintained across all users.

Finally, its robust search capabilities make it easy for users to find specific datasets. Users can search by format, category, tags or free text. This makes it a user-friendly tool - whether you're a novice or an experienced data scientist looking for detailed information.

With 3890 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-25 the project looks healthy.