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Cockpit is an intuitive platform designed to manage all types of structured content with ease. It provides a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for users to organize and manage their content, regardless of its structure or format.

Simple Content Platform to manage any structured content


Key features of Cockpit include its flexibility and adaptability. It allows you to define your data structure according to your specific needs. Whether it's text, images, or even complex data types, Cockpit gives you the power to structure it in the most convenient way for you. It also supports multiple languages, helping businesses and individuals communicate effectively in the global digital landscape.

Moreover, Cockpit is API driven which means that all your data is accessible via API endpoints. This makes it incredibly flexible for developers who can incorporate their structured content into any application or website seamlessly. In addition, Cockpit boasts a live preview feature allowing users to see changes in real-time before finalizing them. This helps save time during the editing process and ensures that the end result meets expectations.

With 5370 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2022-07-28 the project looks abandoned.