Dolibarr ERP CRM, an open-source software suite developed in PHP with optional JavaScript enhancements, is tailored for businesses of all sizes, nonprofits, and independent contractors. The software can function as a standalone application or as a web-based platform making it accessible from anywhere via the internet or a local network.

The most distinguishing feature of Dolibarr is its hosting management. It takes care of all your hosting and server management needs, providing you with reliable services that ensure smooth operation. Whether you're accessing the software as a standalone application or from a LAN or the internet, Dolibarr ensures seamless connectivity.
In addition to hosting management, Dolibarr allows for extensive customization to cater to your specific needs. Users can configure features based on their requirements. These include aspects like marketing, sales, manufacturing, human resources, accounting and logistics. Moreover, it also aids in managing invoicing and stock control among other features. With such versatility in customization options available at your fingertips, Dolibarr caters to all your business needs.