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**F-Droid** is a renowned suite of server tools that facilitates the management and maintenance of an F-Droid repository system. It offers a unique, user-friendly platform that enables users to seamlessly manage their own Android app repositories. A product of an open-source project, F-Droid is widely recognized for its dedication to free software and high standards of privacy.

F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.


In its main functionalities, **F-Droid** provides users with full control over their repository. This includes capabilities to define which apps to include in the repository, manage updates, and configure how apps are presented. The software also distinguishes itself with its capacity to handle metadata about Android apps, including descriptions, icons, and screenshots.

Furthermore, **F-Droid** ensures top-notch security by offering features like signed repositories that guarantee data integrity. It also promotes transparency by providing build information for all hosted applications. This allows users to verify that the built application correspond accurately with the source code.

With no link to a GitHub repository in our database, it is hard to estimate the project viability. Here is a link to another repository: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver