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grocy is a comprehensive and intuitive web-based system that takes grocery and household management to the next level. This self-hosted application brings the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) from the corporate world right into your kitchen. It's more than just a shopping list app; it's a complete solution geared towards managing your domestic life.

Grocy - ERP beyond your fridge
ERP beyond your fridge - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home. Open Source. Built with passion.


Key features of grocy include inventory management, meal planning, and chore scheduling. The inventory management system tracks what you have at home, how much you've used, and even predicts what you'll need in the future. This helps in reducing waste and saving money by allowing you to shop smarter.

The meal planning component allows you to schedule meals ahead of time, making it easier to eat healthily and save time on food preparation. On top of this, grocy also includes a chore scheduling feature which helps to delegate household tasks effectively amongst family members.

In summary, grocy is not just about managing groceries but providing an all-encompassing solution for efficient household management. With this software, mundane domestic chores are streamlined resulting in more organized living.

With 5323 GitHub stars and the latest commit on 2023-07-31 the project looks healthy.